

UK Government Immigration Rules, forms, and guidance

Information about the entire UK immigration system can be found on GOV.UK. Below are some of the sections most relevant to statelessness. 

Best Practice Guides for lawyers & governments

 These two handbooks contain information on statelessness and best practice for both lawyers and governments. 

European Network on Statelessness

The European Network on Statelessness is a civil society alliance committed to ending statelessness and ensuring that stateless people living in Europe are protected. They provide information on statelessness across Europe. 

  • Index on Statelessness - the index assesses how countries in Europe protect stateless people and what they are doing to prevent and reduce statelessness. 
  • Statelessness caselaw database - The database contains summaries of national and regional case law covering Europe, as well as international jurisprudence. The case summaries included in the database either directly concern the rights of stateless people or address other connected human rights issues that impact on people without a nationality. 
Country of origin Information

Country policy and information notes. Country of origin information produced by the Home Office. 

Conducting Country of Origin Information Research on Statelessness. Handbook produced by Asylos, a charity that conducts research for asylum claims worldwide.

Refworld. Access to the nationality laws of most countries.