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What we do

We help the people that others won’t. 

The most vulnerable asylum seekers whose cases are complex and challenging and require time.

We help Survivors in three main ways: by working directly with them, by working with other organisations, and by working to change policy that affects all Survivors across the UK:

Legal representation: our team of specialist solicitors delivers high quality legal representation to the most vulnerable people seeking asylum: unaccompanied children, people who have experienced torture and gender based violence, people who have been trafficked and those who are stateless. We provide welfare advice to marginalised communities through our partnership with Westminster Citizens Advice Bureau and Age UK Westminster. 

We work together with other organisations to improve practice and knowledge amongst caseworkers and solicitors so that more Survivors can get the quality legal representation they deserve.

We influence the system and make policy change to ensure the safety and wellbeing of incredibly vulnerable people.